SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil <p>SLUMP TeS "Jurnal Teknik Sipil" adalah Jurnal yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dumai, yang terbit secara berkala dalam dua edisi per tahun yaitu pada bulan Januari - Juli. Jurnal SLUMP TeS menerima dan mendukung penuh artikel di bidang Teknik Sipil, adapun ruang lingkup Jurnal SLUMP TeS adalah : Manajemen Rekayasa Konstruksi, Struktur, Transportasi, Sumber daya air, Geoteknik, dan tanpa membatasi ruang lingkup pada MK3, Teknik Lingkungan, dll.</p> en-US (Halimatusadiyah, S.T, M.T) (Susy Srihandayani, S.T, M.T) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:43:45 +0000 OJS 60 Analisis Penggunaan Silica Fume Terhadap Campuran Komposisi Rancangan Mutu Beton Muhammad Faisal, Aidil Abrar, Susy Srihandayani Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluasi Kapasitas Lahan Parkir pada Terminal Angkutan Barang Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Bukit Timah Kota Dumai <p>Kota dumai salah satunya bidang pertumbuhan cepat dan sangat penting strategi kota terkemuka sektor industri. Kemajuan industri dan perdagangan tentunya tidak terlepas dari peran angkutan barang. Fasilitas terminal pada angkutan barang sangat dibutuhkan agar para karyawan dan pengemudi merasa nyaman dan aman, untuk itu maka di perlukan lahan parkir yang memadai untuk melakukan proses menaik dan menurunkan barang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kapasitas ruang parkir terminal angkutan barang jalan Soekarno-Hatta Bukit Timah Kota Dumai dan Mengevaluasi fasilitas terminal barang Kota Dumai dengan undang undang nomor peraturan menteri perhubungan RI nomor 102 tahun 2018 tentang penyelenggara terminal barang. Penelitian ini dilakukan survey secara langsung, seperti menghitung kendaraan keluar masuk, menghitung luas petak parkir, wawancara dengan kepala UPT perparkiran tentang fasilitas terminal barang kota dumai. Menggunakan metode berdasarkan selisih hasil maksimum kendaraan keluar masuk pada kendaraan. Hasil penelitian didapat Akumulasi parkir kendaraan maksimum terjadi pada hari hari Minggu yaitu dengan 250 kendaraan. Volume parkir yang maksimum dengan 560 kendaraan pada hari senin. Indeks parkir melebihi angka 100% dari 153 petak parkir, Sebesar 163,4%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa parkir kendaraan terminal angkutan barang melebihi kapasitas pada hari hari tertentu.</p> Tasya Furqhon, Nuryasin Abdillah, Halimatusadiyah, Novri Jenita Marbun Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kelayakan Spent Bleaching Earth (SBE) Sebagai Filler Dalam Campuran Aspal AC-BC <p><em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> adalah limbah padat yang dihasilkan dari proses <em>bleaching</em> dalam indrustri pengolahan kelapa sawit seperti minyak goreng dan elokimia. <em>Spent bleaching earth</em> merupakan campuran antara tanah liat dan minyak yang harus ditangani dengan hati-hati karena sifatnya yang mudah terbakar. Pada umumnya industri minyak akan membuang limbah B2 <em>spent bleaching earth</em> pada suatu lahan. <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> biasanya dibakar sebagai bahan bakar, dicampurkan dengan bahan organik dan dibuat kompos, atau pada umumnya langsung dibuang ke suatu lahan setelah dilakukan pengolahan dengan air untuk mengurangi sifat keterbakarannya. <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> dapat diolah baik dengan proses termal ataupun regenerasi secara kimia, yang dapat menghasilkan <em>Bleaching Earth</em> sama efisiennya dengan bahan asli <em>Bleaching Earth</em>. Pemanfaatan limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> sebagai bahan pengganti pada campuran aspal dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif yang sangat berbahaya namun dapat memberikan dampak yang positif bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Peneliti menggunakan limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> sebagai pengganti <em>filler</em> karena limbah ini sama-sama mengandung senyawa debu silica pada lapisan AC-BC dengan metode <em>Marshall. </em>Campuran aspal dengan bahan limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em>&nbsp; dapat mempengaruhi nilai karakteristik <em>Marshall, </em>penambahan variasi kadar limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> pada campuran aspal menimbulkan nilai <em>stabilitas</em> dan <em>flow</em> yang tidak konsistensi di setiap kadarnya seperti nilai <em>stabilitas</em> dan <em>flow</em> bisa mengalami kenaikan dan penurunan yang cukup signifikan di setap penambahan kadarnya. Limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> sebagai pengganti <em>filler</em> campuran beraspal dengan kadar 0 %, 15%, 20%,25%, 30 dan 35%&nbsp; menurunkan nilai stabilitas aspal dan menyebabkan nilai <em>flow</em> semakin tinggi serta nilai MQ yang kurang dari batas minimal yang telah ditentukan, tetapi pada campuran beraspal dengan bahan limbah <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> dengan kadar 25 % dan menggunakan aspal penetrasi 60/70 adalah campuran yang dapat memenuhi spesifikasi dimana nilai stabilitas meningkat dan nilai <em>flow</em> cenderung stabil yaitu mendapatkan nilai stabilitas sebesar 795,366 kg/mm dan <em>flow</em> sebesar 2,20 mm. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian belum mampu diaplikasikan ke lapangan karena belum bisa memenuhi seluruh nilai karakteristik <em>Marshall</em> yang telah ditetapkan Bina Marga. Bahwa campuran aspal dengan agregat dari Tanjung balai mengganti <em>fille</em>r dengan <em>Spent Bleaching Earth</em> (SBE) dan aspal penetrasi 60/70 didapatkan Kadar Aspal Optimum (KAO) untuk campuran AC-BC yaitu kadar aspal 4,5%, setelah dilakukan pengujian <em>marshall </em>tahap kedua dengan mengganti <em>filler</em> dengan SBE variasi 0%,15%, 20%, 25%,30%, 35% pada pengujian ini didapatkan kadar SBE yang memenuhi spesifikasi berada pada kadar SBE 25%, bisa disimpulkan bahwa SBE ini dimanfaatkan sebagai pengganti <em>filler</em> sebesar 25% &nbsp;dari berat total <em>filler</em>.</p> Supirman, Aidil Abrar, Nuryasin Abdillah Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design Komposisi Beton Untuk Panel Beton Menggunakan Bahan Tambah Serat Fiberglass <p><em>To overcome the problem of deficiencies in concrete, there are various ways, one of which is the innovation of mixing concrete with fiber which is an innovation to increase the compressive strength of concrete. Fiber concrete is a composite material in which fiber is added to the concrete mixture. The fiber used in this research is Fiberglass. Comparison results of the compressive strength of normal concrete and Fiberglass fiber. Normal concrete aged 7 days has an average compressive strength of 107.76 Kg/Cm2, aged 14 days the average compressive strength is 154.09 Kg/cm2, aged 28 days the average compressive strength is 166.17 Kg/cm2. And for concrete with added 3% Fiberglass fiber, aged 7 days, the average compressive strength is 117.83 Kg/cm2, aged 14 days, the average compressive strength is 148.05 Kg/cm2, aged 28 days, the average compressive strength is 164, 66 Kg/cm2. for concrete with 5% Fiberglass fiber added at age 7 the average compressive strength is 123.87 Kg/cm2, at 14 days the average compressive strength is 146.53 Kg/cm2, at 28 days the average compressive strength is 187.32 Kg/cm2. for concrete with added 9% Fiberglass fiber, aged 7 days, the average compressive strength is 99.70 Kg/cm2, aged 14 days, the average compressive strength is 128.41 Kg/cm2, aged 28 days, the average compressive strength is 149.56 Kg/cm2.</em></p> Surya Laksa Andanu, Aidil Abrar, Sony Adiya Putra, Welly Desriyati Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Rendaman HCL Untuk Mutu Beton K-250 Annaafi Jiyaad, Aidil Abrar, Halimatusadiyah Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Kelayakan Spent Bleaching Earth ( SBE ) Sebagai Filler Dalam Campuran Aspal AC-WC <p><em>Road damage sometimes occurs earlier than the service period, many roads are encountered that are not qualified or the quality of asphalt is low. One of the efforts to improve the quality of asphalt is by modifying the mixture in the pavement layer. </em><em> </em><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the results of marshall characteristics with the use of spent bleaching earth as a substitute for filler with variations in levels of 0%,50%,55%,60%,75%,100%.</em> <em>The research method used is a laboratory experiment resulting from Marshall testing that has been carried out on the AC-WC layer using Spent Bleaching Earth, the stability value, flow, MQ, VIM, VMA, VFA at each SBE level cannot all meet the six Marshall characteristic values set by Bina Marga. But the SBE content of 50% and using 60/70 penetration asphalt of 6% can meet the Stability value of 867.76 kg, Flow of 4mm, VIM of 5%, VMA of 16.39%, VFA of 65.12% but the MQ value does not reach 220.11 kg / mm.</em></p> Fatihatul Deadha, Aidil Abrar, Nuryasin Abdillah Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Daya Dukung Base dengan Menggunakan Limbah Cangkang, Bottom Ash, dan Fly Ash Berdasarkan Uji CBR Laboratorium <p><em>One of the contributors to industrial waste in Indonesia is the Palm Oil Shell which produces a large amount of palm oil processing waste, and produces two types of waste, namely light ash (fly ash) and heavy ash (bottom ash). This test is carried out to calculate the amount of bearing capacity that can be received by the base made from waste comparisons, there are 4 comparisons different percentages, namely mixing 55% shell, 10% bottom ash and 35% fly ash, mixing 55% shell, 15% bottom ash and 30% fly ash, mixing 55% shell, 20% bottom ash and 25% fly ash, mixing 55% shell, 25% bottom ash and 20% fly ash. From the test results with different mixtures, the results obtained, that the mixture of 55% shell, 10% bottom ash and 35% fly ash, get the results of the bearing capacity for the base better than the other 3 mixtures, namely, mixing 55% shell, 15% bottom ash and 30% fly ash, mixing 55% shell, 20% bottom ash and 25% fly ash, mixing 55% shell, 25% bottom ash and 20% fly ash. This shows that with the same percentage of shell, the mixture with the addition of more fly ash than bottom ash has a better bearing capacity.</em></p> Berkat Sinurat, Aidil Abrar, Nuryasin Abdillah Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Perencanaan Komposisi Campuran Base dengan Menggunakan Limbah Cangkang, Bottom Ash, dan Fly Ash <p><em>Fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) are materials produced from the use of coal as fuel for steam power plants, which is one of the sources of electricity generation in Indonesia. This study aims to map the physical properties of fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) mixed with ordinary heap soil as well as the chemical properties of FABA. This research was conducted in the laboratory, by testing the physical properties of the original soil and the original soil mixture with FABA in variations of the FABA addition mixture of 65%, 10% and 25%From the results of the study, the results obtained from the physical properties of the original soil based on the AASHTO method are included in soil types A-7-6, based on the USCS method, they are included in OL, namely organic silt and organic silt clay with moderate plasticity and based on the USDA method, they are included in silt clay. For the addition of fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) to the original soil, it was found that the higher the percentage of fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) to the total weight of the original soil showed an increase in optimum water content and maximum dry density tended to decrease and could change the category of soil grouping. Utilization of FABA as an additive can increase the carrying capacity of ordinary embankments. </em></p> Jaliusman Chandra, Nuryasin Abdillah, Aidil Abrar Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Jaringan Perpipaan Air Bersih Di PDAM Tirta Terubuk Kec. Bengkalis Kab. Bengkalis (Studi Kasus: Desa Kelapa Pati dan Kelurahan Damon) <p><em>Water is one of the needs of living things that must be met when needed. PDAM must provide maximum service to the community and be able to meet the community's demand for clean water which always increases every time, especially during peak water usage hours. This research is a case study by analyzing data. In data processing using the geometric method, exponential method and arithmetic method. The data used are population data from 2018 to 2022, data on the number of customers and water production data at PDAM Tirta Terubuk Kab. Bengkalis. The research stages include population growth projection, deviation suitability test and correlation coefficient, water demand analysis and simulation using the WaterCAD v8i program for 2037. The results showed that the calculation of clean water demand in 2037 obtained a total clean water demand in Village Kelapa Pati and Urban Village Damon of 40,914 l/s with a water loss of 20%. With a total distributed production capacity of 128 l/s, the amount of available source discharge is able to meet clean water needs until 2037. The available reservoir cannot meet the water demand. The pressure simulation results in the planning of the clean water distribution network have met the criteria, namely between 0.5 atm and 8 atm.</em></p> Witri Ramadhona, Sony Adiya Putra, Halimatusadiyah Copyright (c) 2024 SLUMP TeS : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Mon, 15 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000